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In this product, organic turmeric powder is stirred into cream honey. This natural product is particularly well received and used by the human organism.
The mixture between honey and turmeric is called "Golden Honey" and it is said to be a real wonder weapon in the fight against viruses.


Storage of bee products

Honeys, as well as other products from the bee colony, are stored depending on production and sales, sometimes for months or years. With proper extraction and cool, light-protected storage, they will last for several years. The prerequisite is that the storage containers are tightly closed and stored in a cool, dry room.

Turmeric honey 130g


Der Honig-Kurkuma-Mix, auch Golden Honey genannt, scheint ein echtes Multitalent zu sein. Er wirkt entzündungshemmend, antioxidativ und hilft nebenbei beim Abnehmen. Golden Honey hat mittlerweile sogar den Ruf als stärkstes, natürliches Antibiotikum.

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